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Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Controversial Crypto Project with a Vision for the Future

Chapter 1: Worldcoin’s Vision and Origins

Worldcoin is a groundbreaking crypto project co-founded by Sam Altman, Max Novenstern, and Alex Blania, raising an impressive $240 million from venture capitalists. The core mission of Worldcoin is to address the societal impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by providing a Universal Basic Income (UBI) as its ultimate goal. To achieve this vision, the project has developed various innovative solutions, including a decentralized digital ID system, the World App crypto wallet, and the World Coin Token built on Optimism blockchain.

One of the central aspects of Worldcoin is the development of a unique device called the Orb, designed to generate individual digital IDs. However, the development of this advanced technology came at a staggering cost of $50 million.

Despite its ambitious vision, Worldcoin has sparked controversies and raised numerous concerns among critics and enthusiasts alike.

Chapter 2: Worldcoin’s Approach to Identity Verification

To establish a reliable and secure identity verification process, Worldcoin utilizes an extensive network of 360 active orbs. These orbs employ iris scanning technology, providing a novel and efficient means of identity verification for its users. Operators who maintain these orbs are incentivized through the distribution of stable coins.

While Worldcoin has addressed privacy concerns to some extent, not all aspects of the orb technology have been fully open-sourced, leading to further scrutiny from the community.

Chapter 3: Supply and Demand Dynamics

Worldcoin’s native token, WLD, is currently undergoing an aggressive vesting process, with over 100 million tokens already in circulation and an ambitious target of one billion by the year’s end. The project has limited the weekly token supply to one million WLD, and the Worldcoin Foundation plays a pivotal role in the supply dynamics, acting as a wildcard factor.

However, the actual demand for the WLD token remains uncertain, as its utility and real-world application are yet to be fully determined. This uncertainty could potentially impact the token’s value in the market.

Chapter 4: Risks and Challenges

Like any pioneering project, Worldcoin faces several inherent risks and challenges. Decentralization, limited adoption, lack of demand drivers, and regulatory issues are among the primary concerns that could hinder the project’s success.

Chapter 5: Governments’ Concerns

Governments worldwide have expressed concerns about Worldcoin’s potential implications. The project’s widespread adoption could potentially challenge the government’s control over their respective fiat currencies and interfere with their management of citizens’ identities. The open-source nature of Worldcoin also raises the specter of unauthorized replication, leading to possible regulatory crackdowns on crypto projects.

Chapter 6: Securing SATs

To ensure the security of one’s cryptocurrency holdings, including WLD tokens, users are advised to utilize hardware wallets and take advantage of discounts available through the Coin Bureau Deals page. Storing SATs (Satoshis, the smallest unit of Bitcoin) securely is of paramount importance to safeguard against potential cyber threats and financial losses.

In conclusion, Worldcoin presents a revolutionary vision for the future, driven by innovative solutions to address the societal challenges posed by AI. However, the project faces significant obstacles and regulatory scrutiny, and its success will largely depend on its ability to overcome these challenges while gaining widespread adoption and acceptance in an ever-evolving crypto landscape.


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