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Updated: Aug 18, 2023

Chapter 1: Cyber Warfare: A Growing Form of Conflict.

- Cyber warfare is a rapidly growing form of conflict, with nation-state hackers capable of paralyzing entire countries and destroying infrastructure.

- Cyber armies take many forms, used to target citizens and organizations and attack neighboring countries.

- Cyber battles are common in areas of armed conflict, with countries using cyber warfare as an arm of the regular army.

Chapter 2: Russia and China's cyber warfare history.

- Russia has a long history of cyber warfare, with Fancy Bear being a project of its Military Intelligence unit. It hacked the DNC in 2016 and attacked Ukraine in 2017.

- China only took cyber warfare seriously in the 2000s, but has since been behind major industrial espionage campaigns.

Chapter 3: US Cyber Army: A Threat to China, Russia and Iran.

US cyber army is capable of conducting sophisticated offensive campaigns, demonstrated by disrupting the Islamic State. It is a threat to China, Russia and Iran, who are actively trying to undermine Western liberal democracies.

Key takeaways:

- Cyber warfare is a rapidly growing form of conflict, with nation-state hackers capable of paralyzing entire countries and destroying massive infrastructure projects. Russia, China, and the United States all have formidable cyber armies that are capable of conducting sophisticated offensive campaigns against potential adversaries.

- Cyber armies can take many different forms, depending on the needs of the country. For example, Ocean Lotus and Golden Falcon are both hacker groups associated with the Vietnamese and Kazakh governments respectively, and they are used to target citizens and organizations whose views do not align with the government. Additionally, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, and other countries have been known to use cyber warfare to fight their wars with surrounding countries.

- Cyber warfare is a rapidly growing form of conflict, with nation-state hackers capable of paralyzing entire countries and destroying massive infrastructure projects. Russia, China, and the United States all have formidable cyber armies that are capable of conducting sophisticated offensive campaigns against potential adversaries.

- Cyber armies can take many different forms, depending on the needs of the country. For example, Ocean Lotus and Golden Falcon are both hacker groups associated with the Vietnamese and Kazakh governments respectively, and they are used to target citizens and organizations whose views do not align with the government. Additionally, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, and other countries have been known to use cyber warfare to fight their wars with surrounding countries.


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