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Updated: Aug 18, 2023

Chapter 1:  Trout's secret of staying still in a fast-flowing river.

- Victor Schauberger asked how a trout stays still in a fast-flowing river

- Lab video showed a dead trout in a tank of still water, which started to move when the water began to flow

- Trout's secret is fluid flow dynamics and vortex theory, which form behind stationary objects in flowing water and push the trout upstream

Chapter 2:  Victor Schallberger's Innovative Work.

Victor Schallberger was an Austrian inventor who developed the Log Flume and other implosion-based technology. His work caught the attention of Hitler and was labeled top secret, but the US didn't utilize it during Operation Paperclip. He was released by promising to cease all work on implosion techniques.

Chapter 3:  German colony's mysterious technology.

- Admiral Byrd's campaign against a German colony was a disaster, rumored to be due to their mysterious technology

- Wild stories suggest a city called New Berlin with two million inhabitants, and that the Germans had been preparing for an American attack for two years

- It is suspected that tall blonde aliens observed in abduction scenarios could be Germans from the colony, doing research with our government in genetic experiments.

Chapter 4:  US and Israel's contact with aliens.

- Hayam Ashed claims US & Israel have been in contact with aliens for years, Trump was aware & was asked not to reveal to prevent mass hysteria

- Cooperation includes secret underground base on Mars with both American & alien representatives, teleportation technology used since 1950s/60s

- Established colony on moon & Mars, with women scientists & children born there, aliens don't want to reveal themselves until humanity evolves.

Chapter 5:  Extraterrestrial contact and free energy.

- 87yo former head of Israeli defense ministry claims to have knowledge of extraterrestrial contact from Aldebaran solar system 68 light years away

- Maria Orsich presented telepathic messages from the aliens to a small group from Thule and Black Sun Societies

- Aliens offered free energy and less destructive technology to help Earth humanity.

Chapter 6:  German efforts to develop interstellar travel.

- Germans developed a force field shield in 1947, Admiral Byrd made a statement about a potential Third World War with an adversary from the polar regions

- Thule Gesellschaft and other organizations developed an anti-gravity flight disk and tested it for several years

- National Socialists designed a cigar-shaped spaceship, the Andromeda Apparatus, for interstellar flights, which was discovered by Allies in 1945.

Chapter 7:  The Promethean Dilemma and the Illuminati Agenda.

- The Promethean Dilemma is the puzzle of two distinct scientific and engineering realities on the planet, caused by the Illuminati's secret culture.

- It is believed that this is the major mode through which an angelic presence is trying to corrupt the minds of the elite.

- Previous illuminated efforts to speed up evolution have ended in nuclear wars, and the Illuminati have an agenda not accepted by the majority.

Chapter 8:  Elite Education vs. Public Education.

- Elite education vs. public education is a major issue, with those in power wanting to remain in control

- Dr. Kippers encourages us to dig deeper and discover the real depth and magnitude of the secret government

- Robert Supper is an anthropologist, his work is available on Amazon.

Take aways:

- Victor Schauberger's research on trout's ability to stay still in a fast flowing river revealed the secret of fluid flow dynamics and vortex theory.

- Schauberger's inventions, such as the Log Flume and the suction screw, caught the attention of Adolf Hitler and were used by the SS.

- Admiral Byrd's naval campaign against a German colony in 1946 was a disaster, leading to rumors of a mysterious technology that allowed them to beat Byrd's forces.

- Hayam Ashed, the former head of Israel's defense ministries space program, claims that the US and Israel have been in contact with a group of aliens for years.

- Maria Orsich presented to a small group assembled from the Thule and Black Sun Societies telepathic messages she claimed to have received from a likely extraterrestrial human civilization.

- The discrepancies between the special education that the children of the elite receive and the watered-down and moralized education that the general public in America is getting from the public schooling system is a major issue.

- Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm August Kippers encouraged us to dig deeper and discover the real depth and magnitude of the secret government.

(More updates on this will follow...)


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