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  • Writer's pictureCURE


Media blackout in Lahaina, West Maui.

- International media blackout in Lahaina, West Maui; special police force, blacked out fence, National Guard stopping people from getting too close, illegal to fly drones near perimeter; authorities trying to keep info from going out.

Opposing the Oligarchy.

- US gov't is proving Ned Beatty's point that there are no countries, only companies. Media is bought by same people doing land grabs. People voted for Trump to oppose establishment. Need to join together to oppose oligarchy & end wars, invest in US, get corruption out of gov't, have good healthcare & education, and a good economy for all.


  • People need to come together and oppose the oligarchy and the establishment in order to make a change and end the wars, invest money back in the US, get corporate corruption out of government, have health care that doesn't bankrupt them, have good education, and have a good economy that works for everyone.

  • The US government is proving the point that Ned Beatty made in Network, that there are no countries, only companies, and the media is a hundred percent bought by the same people who are doing these things, and is the enemy of the people. This is why it is important for people to join together and oppose them, instead of blaming each other for what the oligarchy and the establishment is doing.


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