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Updated: Aug 28, 2023


Solar Geoengineering: Pros and Cons.

- Geoengineering is a potential solution to global warming, but carries risks of unintended consequences.

- Solar geoengineering involves spraying sulfuric acid into the stratosphere to create a cooling effect.

- David Keefe suggested this, but it would still require reducing emissions eventually and would involve shrouding the Earth in sulfuric acid.

The Impact of Chemtrails.

- Chemtrails are visible trails of chemicals sprayed into the stratosphere to reduce global warming.

- Linked to health issues, crop damage, and decline in bee population.

- US Dept. of Agriculture has suspended collecting data on honeybee colonies, making it difficult to understand the full impact of Chemtrails.

Geoengineering and its effects.

- Climate change effects are often discussed, but geoengineering is rarely mentioned.

- Barium oxide and aluminum are used in geoengineering to create clouds and reflect radiation.

- Rosalind Peterson noticed an increase in these chemicals in Northern California's water supply.

- David Keith has explored the possibility of using aluminum for geoengineering.

Key Takeaways:

- Geoengineering is a controversial topic that involves manipulating the environment to counteract the effects of climate change, but carries the risk of unintended consequences.

- Chemtrails are the visible trails left behind by aircraft that contain chemicals such as aluminum oxide, barium, and strontium, which have been linked to a variety of health issues and a decline in the bee population.

- David Keith has explored the possibility of using aluminum and other elements for geoengineering, and has presented evidence that aircraft and engine emissions can act as ice nucleating particles or Cloud Condensation Nuclei.


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