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Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Harari's view on humans as gods.

- Harari talks about humans being like gods, evolution, Jesus and his teachings, and the possibility of AI replacing the Bible.

- He believes humans have the power to create new life forms, but also to destroy much of life on Earth.

Rejecting the Christian Fantasy of Disconnection.

- Platonic philosophy emphasizes humans as embodied beings, while Christianity has drifted away from this view and placed greater emphasis on the immaterial soul.

- To shift human understanding, we must let go of the stories our minds create and return to the level of the body, realizing we are all the same.

- Christian fantasy of disconnecting from the body has led to hatred of the Bible and its teachings, but it's important to observe how the mind creates stories and be able to let go of them.

Religion and AI's Influence on Human Opinions.

Religion has been used to manipulate and control people, and AI tools have the potential to have a huge influence on human opinions. People may rely on AI for decisions, and religion has been used to capture and secure a sense of meaning and purpose in life.

Preparing for the Antichrist.

- Bible states Antichrist will come first and deceive people, Christians should be prepared.

- Living Waters podcast, Evidence Study Bible, Starter Kit and video provide resources to help grow in faith and share Christian message respectfully.

- We can use language and storytelling to manipulate and control people, as seen in the Bible. However, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have the potential to have an immense influence on human opinions and worldviews.

- To help people grow in their faith, there are three things that can be done: listening to the Living Waters podcast, reading the Evidence Study Bible, and using the Starter Kit.

- To share the Christian message with homosexuals without compromising or offending them, there is a video available to watch. This video provides helpful information on how to do this in a respectful and effective way.


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