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Updated: Aug 28, 2023


The Public Governance Performance and Accountability Vaccine Indemnity Bill 2023.

The Bill is necessary to ensure accountability and protect people from exploitation. It regulates the National Immunization Program and grants immunity to pharmaceutical companies, resulting in an excess mortality rate and estimated 30,000 deaths from side effects. Pfizer, with an appalling track record, was one of the companies granted immunity.

Holding the Australian Government Accountable.

- Australian gov't has allowed companies to get away with financial murder, new bill needed to prevent this

- Greg Hunt, Scott Morrison, and McGowan Andrews accused of forcing experimental gene therapy-based injections on people, leading to deaths, injuries, and grief

- Lack of accountability due to hiding of gov't actions through indemnities; people want safe, tested treatments, not untested drugs or injections with no other option

Senate Inquiry into Vaccine Failures.

- Australian Firefighters Association formed due to Union not standing up for them

- CASA willfully blind to mistakes and misfeasance that betrayed passenger air safety

- Vaccine failure, injection failure falsely blamed on those who didn't take them

- Rogan Zubin observed politicians don't care if people die

- No Royal Commission, Senate Inquiry, access to contracts despite taxpayers paying for injections

- Bill Gates paid for censorship across social media due to investments in Big Pharma and WHO

Key takeaways:

  • The Public Governance Performance and Accountability Vaccine Indemnity Bill 2023 is necessary to ensure accountability and protect the people of Queensland from exploitation.

  • The Australian government has allowed companies to get away with financial murder, and a new bill is needed to ensure that no one is ever allowed to get away with such atrocities again.

  • Bill Gates has paid for censorship across social media, as he is an investor in Big Pharma and a massive contributor to the World Health Organization.


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