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Prophetic precursors of the 2023 event.

- Prophetic precursors of the 2023 event have occurred, including a secret meeting and the Climate Ten Commandments.

- Pope Francis' announcement of the Climate Ten Commandments on June 17, 2015 is significant as it was the same time Moses broke the Ten Commandments.

- Pope Francis has been called the "world's Pastor" by the Catholic Reporter, which some believe is the false prophet.

King Charles' proactive approach to COP27.

- King Charles is taking a proactive approach to combat the climate crisis by holding a meeting with 200 nations and individuals to discuss the Climate Ten Commandments

- Pope Francis is pushing for a one world religion and climate change agenda, and is involved in the Climate Ten Commandments and the Abrahamic Family Headquarters

- King Charles will be coronated in 2023, presided over by Archbishop.

King Charles III's push for interfaith dialogue and sustainability.

- King Charles III of the UK is promoting interfaith dialogue and sustainability, addressing climate change at the COP 26 Climate Summit and advocating for the next generation.

- The Archbishop of Canterbury is pushing for a one world religion and climate change as a uniting force for the faiths.

King Charles' Wealth and the Great Reset.

- King Charles' wealth is estimated to be in the tens of trillions due to the crown owning a sixth of the world's surface.

- He is pushing for the Great Reset, climate change, and a one world religion similar to the Tower of Babel.

- In July 2022, a giant molec bull was rolled out in the Commonwealth Games to represent the Tower of Babel.


  • King Charles III of the United Kingdom has taken a proactive approach to ensure the success of the upcoming COP27, and has addressed the need for the Climate Ten Commandments.

  • Pope Francis has been pushing for a one world religion and climate change agenda, and is involved in the Climate Ten Commandments and the Abrahamic Family Headquarters.

  • The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has been pushing climate change as a mechanism for uniting the faiths, and has presented a joint declaration to unite the churches.

  • King Charles is pushing for the Great Reset, climate change, and a one world religion, which is described in the Book of Revelation.


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