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Updated: Aug 28, 2023

The Prophetic Messianic Timeline

The Bible's prophecies of the Messiah's comings.

- Bible contains prophecies and patterns that point to the Messiah's first and second comings

- Over two dozen prophecies and patterns accurately determined the exact year of the Messiah's first and second comings

- Timeline of Messiah's comings hidden in Creation events, Tabernacle, Parables, Old/New Testaments, and words of prophets

- One day as a thousand years prophetic principle found in early Christian writings.

The one day as a thousand years principle.

- Peter and Moses used the one day as a thousand years principle in the Bible to address skeptics about the Messiah's arrival

- Genesis 3:19 states that man will return to dust, leading to the understanding that God didn't mean a literal 24-hour period when using the word "day"

- This suggests that a day can be interpreted as one thousand years.

The Messiah's one thousand year reign.

- Isaiah, Genesis and 1 Corinthians refer to the Messiah's one thousand year reign, connected to Adam's sin and the concept of a day being a thousand years.

- Luke 1 and Revelation 20 refer to the Messiah's second coming and the day of the Lord.

- 2 Peter 3 refers to the day of the Lord when the heavens will pass away.

Fulfillment of Creation Days.

- Adam & Eve's sin fulfilled day one of creation

- Flood fulfilled day two

- Abraham's seed, Torah & promised land fulfilled day three

- Messiah's coming fulfilled day four

- Disciples becoming Fishers of Men fulfilled day five.

God's Plan for Mankind Revealed.

God's plan for mankind over 7,000 years is revealed in the Creation Prophecy, additional prophecies and patterns in the Bible, and the Moedim (appointed times) in Leviticus 23. The first four Moedim represent what Messiah accomplished in his first coming, and the last three are still awaiting fulfillment.

The Jubilee Principle and Prophetic Timing.

- Hosea 6:2 and John 2:20 demonstrate the Jubilee principle of 50, which unlocks prophetic timing.

- Genesis 6 suggests that God will contend with man's flesh for 6,000 years.

The Jubilee prophecy and its two fulfillments.

- The Jubilee prophecy is fulfilled in two comings of the Messiah: freedom from sin and death, and restoring land.

- The first fulfillment of the Jubilee year Liberty and the second fulfillment of the Jubilee year restoring land are 40 jubilees apart, or two thousand years.

The 2000 cubits and Lazarus prophecies.

- 2000 cubits prophecy in Joshua is a metaphor for the two thousand years before Messiah's return and gathering of people into the Promised Land

- Lazarus prophecy in John is similar and validates the pattern, with Messiah's two-day delay before returning to Judea representing the two thousand years before his return and resurrection.

Resurrection and freedom from sin and death.

- Jesus' story of Lazarus and the woman at the well symbolize resurrection and freedom from the law of sin and death.

- Jesus' phrase "Unbind him and let him go" symbolizes the day when we are freed from sin and death.

- Resurrection is when we are forever free from sin and death.

Hosea 6:2 and the Good Samaritan.

- Hosea 6:2 prophecy of Messiah's return after two days (2000 years) is seen in Jesus healing the official's son and the Good Samaritan taking care of the man and promising to repay when he returns.

The Sabbath prophecy and the Messiah's miracles.

- On Mount Sinai, Moses was met with a trumpet blast, lightning, thunder, and a thick cloud, reminiscent of Hosea's prophecy.

- God will heal and revive Israel and Judah on the third day, connected to the Sabbath prophecy of the Messiah healing and resurrecting on the third day.

- Messiah performed miracles on the seventh day, including healing seven people, declaring what he would do to us on the seventh day.

The Transfiguration of Jesus as a metaphor for the Messiah.

Jesus' Transfiguration is a metaphor for the Messiah coming into the kingdom. It was witnessed by Peter, James and John, and accompanied by a voice from the clouds. The six days before the vision symbolize the six thousand years until the Messiah comes into the kingdom. The mention of three also symbolizes the Trinity.

The Messianic connections of the Tabernacle of the Wilderness.

- Tabernacle of the Wilderness composed of 3 parts with volumes of 1500, 2000, and 1000 cubic cubits respectively

- Hosea 6:2 states 2 days until resurrection, 2000 years from Messiah's death to return

- Seventh day is 1000 years, Messiah will reign and adversary locked up, 1000 years for holy of holies.

Biblical prophecies of the Messiah.

- Bible contains prophecies of the coming of the Messiah, e.g. New Jerusalem, Servant & Sabbath prophecies

- New Jerusalem prophecy states Temple of Lord will arrive after 3 days, representing 3,000 years of Messiah's plan

- Servant Prophecy states Hebrew slave must serve 6 years & be released in 7th year, similar to Sabbath Prophecy

- Land Rest Prophecy states land must rest every 7th year, representing the resurrection of our bodies on the 7th day.

The Antichrist's defeat by the Messiah.

- The 40-day period of Goliath taunting the Israelite army is seen as a representation of the two thousand years since the Messiah ascended, during which the spirit of the Antichrist has been taunting believers.

- The Messiah will defeat the Antichrist by speaking just words, the breath of his mouth, which is the Torah, the law of God.

- David's five smooth stones from a river represent the five books of the Torah that will flow from Zion like a river of water.

The Second Coming and the Great Tribulation.

- The Second Coming of the Messiah is a prophetic event foretold for thousands of years, with a rule and reign of either one thousand years or one day.

- The story of Nineveh in the book of Jonah is a parallel to the events and timing of the Second Coming, with forty days representing forty jubilees or two thousand years.

- The Great Tribulation is a time when the nations are called to repent, but unlike Nineveh, they appear to not repent.

Numerological metaphors in the Feeding of the Four Thousand prophecy.

- Jesus fed four thousand people with seven loaves of bread and a few small fish, and seven baskets of broken pieces were left over.

- Numerological metaphors such as three days, seven loaves, seven baskets, and four thousand fed are discussed.

The Kingdom of Heaven and the Messiah's Reign.

- The Kingdom of Heaven is an important part of the Lord's Prayer, and the Messiah's Reign will begin it on Earth.

- Parables are used to reveal mysteries, and the Parable of the Three Measures of Leaven teaches that the Kingdom will arrive on the third day.

- The Enoch Prophecy and the Birth Pang Prophecy both support the idea of the Messiah's return on the seventh day.

Signs of impending doom in 30 CE.

- In 30 CE, witnesses reported strange occurrences: the lot for the Lord only appeared in the left hand, temple doors opened on their own, and the menorah's western lamp went out every night for 40 years.

- Rabban Johanan Ben Zakai declared these signs of impending doom, predicting the temple's destruction.

The Crimson Thread and the Messiah's Death.

- The Day of Atonement was linked to the nation of Israel confessing its sins and ceremonially placing them upon the Azazel goat, symbolized by a Crimson strip.

- Each year, the red cloth on the temple door would turn white, signifying that the atonement was acceptable to the Lord until 30 CE.

- Isaiah 1:18 states that sins will be forgiven, indicating that the whole community had lost the Lord's attention in relation to something that occurred in 30 CE, likely the Messiah's death.

- The Crimson thread never turned white again for 40 years, leading to the destruction of the temple and the cessation of all Temple rituals.

The Fig Tree and the Eighth Day.

- The Fig Tree is a symbol of Israel in the Bible, and its blooming is connected to Israel becoming a nation and Jerusalem becoming its capital.

- Psalm 90 states that a day is a thousand years, so 1950 + 80 = 2030, which is the Eighth Day, the end of God's 7,000 year plan for man.

- Revelation 21-22 gives details about what happens after the plan, with patterns to help establish the timing.

The Significance of the Eighth Day.

- The Eighth Day of the 40 days of uncleanliness is significant as it is the day of circumcision, a metaphor for God's 7,000 year plan for man.

- Circumcision physically and spiritually represents cutting away our flesh and having a heart to follow God.

- At the end of the 7,000 years, both resurrections will have occurred and we will enter the last great day, the Eighth Day.

The Feast of Sukkot and the New Jerusalem.

- The Feast of Sukkot is a biblical holiday that symbolizes our lives on Earth as a temporary dwelling.

- On the Eighth Day, the Last Great Day, we will enter the New Jerusalem.

- The Messiah mentioned Living Waters on the eighth day of Sukkot, which commands attention to the New Jerusalem.

- Most believe the New Jerusalem will arrive after the Messiah Reigns for one thousand years.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb and the Temple Menorah.

- Marriage Supper of the Lamb is speculated to take place at the Feast of Sukkot, which follows the completion of all harvests and was the day of the first temple dedication.

- Zechariah 14:16 states that all nations will observe Sukkot after the Great Tribulation.

- The temple Menorah is the best illustration of the Messianic timeline, with six branches and four cups made like almond blossoms.

The Menorah and the Messianic Timeline.

- The menorah is a seven-branched lampstand, a symbol of the Jewish faith and a representation of the Messianic timeline.

- Jesus is described as the light of the world in John 8:12 and Revelation 21:23-24.

- The menorah represents the Messiah arriving at the end of the fourth day, dying and resurrecting.

The Return of the Messiah in 2030.

- Presentation discusses prophecies of Messiah's return in biblical year 6000 (2030) and urges faith community to share video and join discussion on website.

- Purchase of video supports efforts to spread content and more support available on website.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Bible contains numerous prophecies and patterns that point to the precise biblical year of the Messiah's first and second comings.

  • The timeline of the Messiah's first and second comings is hidden in the creation events found in Genesis chapter 1, the design of the Tabernacle, the Parables of the Messiah, detailed events in the Old and New Testaments, and the words of the prophets.

  • The one day as a thousand years prophetic principle teaches that when the Bible mentions a literal day, depending on context, it can be prophetically connected to a span of one thousand years.

  • The Creation Prophecy reveals God's complete plan for mankind over the course of seven thousand years.

  • The first seven days of the world's existence also prophetically reveals the first seven thousand years of God's plan.

  • The Jubilee is a Messianic prophecy that is fulfilled in two separate comings of the Messiah.

  • The 2000 cubits prophecy in Joshua chapter 3 verses 3-4 is a clear prophetic picture of the distance of two thousand years that will preface our being gathered and taken into the land by the Messiah at his return.

  • The Lazarus prophecy is also similar to the 2000

  • Insight: The Transfiguration of Jesus is a powerful illustration of the Messiah coming into the kingdom as revealed by the law and the prophets.

  • Key Point: The Tabernacle of the Wilderness was revealed to Moses around 1500 years before the death, burial, and resurrection of the Messiah.

  • Action Point: The Bible contains many prophecies that point to the coming of the Messiah, including the New Jerusalem prophecy and the Servant Prophecy.

  • Decision: The Feeding of the Four Thousand prophecy shares interpretive elements with the Four of Seven prophecy and the Hosea prophecy.

  • Insight: The Second Coming of the Messiah is a prophetic event that has been foretold for thousands of years.

  • Key Point: The story of Nineveh in the book of Jonah is a parallel to the events and timing of the Second Coming.

  • Action Point: The Great Tribulation is a time when the nations are being called to repent so that they might avoid the Messiah's judgment at his return.

  • Decision: The Kingdom of Heaven is a crucial element of the Lord's Prayer, as our Messiah said in Matthew 6:10.

  • Insight: In 30 CE, the year of the death and resurrection of the Messiah, several witnesses

  • The Fig Tree is a symbol of Israel in the Bible, and is the only tree that God ever cursed. It is used to represent Israel without fruit, and in 1948, Israel became a nation with land, but still lacked Jerusalem as the capital.

  • According to the Bible, Jerusalem is where the Lord placed his name, and on January 23, 1950, the Israeli Knesset proclaimed Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This caused the Fig Tree's branches to become tender and put on leaves.

  • Circumcision is a reference to the sign of the Covenant given to Abraham, which is believed to be a metaphor for the seven thousand year plan God has for man. This is further explained in Ezekiel 36:26-27, which states that God will give us a new heart and a new spirit.

  • The Feast of Sukkot is a biblical holiday that teaches us to live in temporary dwellings or tents for seven days, and on the eighth day, the Last Great Day, we will enter the New Jerusalem and be presented with a new Heaven and a new Earth.

  • The marriage supper of the Lamb is a significant event in the Messianic timeline, and is speculated to take place at the Feast of Sukkot.




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