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  • Writer's pictureCURE


Updated: Aug 18, 2023

Chapter 1: Congressional hearing on extraterrestrial technology.

- 3 witnesses testified before a congressional hearing about the potential threat of extraterrestrial technology to national security.

- They discussed reports of Russian warplanes engaging US forces, the need for transparency and access to sensitive information, and potential cover-ups.

- Gresh revealed he had faced retaliation for his testimony and directed people with knowledge to the proper authorities.

Chapter 2: Managing inventory.

- Meeting held to discuss current inventory status, determined sufficient number of 40s in stock

- Discussed availability of other items, concluded with consensus on best way to manage inventory.

Chapter 3: Maintaining the well-being of two species.

- Meeting discussed the well-being of two species, no major concerns but minor issues need to be addressed

- Suggested further research and monitoring to ensure any potential issues are addressed and well-being is maintained.

Chapter 4: Pentagon Whistleblower's Testimony on UFOs.

- Nancy Mace held a hearing to discuss claims made by Pentagon whistleblower David Greste and fellow military pilot David Favor about UFOs.

- Greste and Favor confirmed they had seen objects that defied the laws of physics and believed there was an active disinformation campaign.

- Greste estimated only 5% of UFO sightings were adequately investigated and Favor confirmed he had seen objects that moved in a way that defied the laws of physics.

- Greste unsure if info shared with Gang of 8, but wouldn't be surprised if some info withheld.

Chapter 5: Gaetz's encounter with a mysterious image.

- Gaetz shared a chilling encounter during Wednesday's hearings, involving a mysterious image taken by a flight crew over the Gulf of Mexico.

- He and other representatives asked to see evidence, observe radar signature and meet with the flight crew, but were initially denied access.

- After a discussion, they were able to see the image and meet with one member of the flight crew.

- Gaetz noted that the image was so serious that it required his involvement.

Chapter 6: UAPs pose a potential threat to US security.

Test pilots reported UAPs, Congress asked if they posed a threat; pilots said they lacked tools to mitigate, but UAPs could be collecting info, probing capabilities & testing for vulnerabilities. No capability to defend in hostile encounter, but potential threat to US security.

Chapter 7: Whistleblower David Gresh's claims.

- Whistleblower David Gresh made claims about a movement in Washington and calls for transparency from lawmakers.

- He mentioned Boeing contractors being involved in an incident with a red cube.

- Gresh stated he had no relationship with the contractors and that they do not report EUAP sightings.

- He mentioned notification is usually done through conventional means and that contractors don't contact the chairman of the committee.

- Gresh's main concern is the FAA.

Chapter 8: Burchett and Luna's plans to uncover UFO secrets.

- Burchett and Luna are leading the charge to uncover any secrets the government may be hiding about UFOs.

- They plan to get a letter from Congress, have field hearings and bring everyone to the front yard.

- They believe the US gov should move forward aggressively to get answers, even in a secure environment.

- They also believe the press should have access to the info and the intelligence community should be asked questions.

Chapter 9: Congress investigates Russian UFO program.

Congress held hearings to investigate claims of a secret Russian UFO program, with evidence of 45 incidents of UFOs chasing and shooting at aircraft. Pilots were killed in 3 incidents, and a nationwide order was issued to leave the UFOs alone due to their "incredible capacities for retaliation". Congressman Burchett acknowledged Knapp as the foremost expert on UFOs and the hearings revealed the need for further investigation.

Chapter 10: Pentagon's lack of response to Russian program.

- George uncovered evidence of a secret Russian program studying the US for years, with missile bases and maneuvers witnessed by stunned eyewitnesses.

- Pentagon unable to provide answers to congressional inquiry, lack of response raises concerns for national security.

Chapter 11: Benefits of FARXIGA for Type 2 Diabetes.

- Meeting discussed benefits of FARXIGA, a medication for type 2 diabetes, incl. efficacy, safety, and cost

- Clinical trials show FARXIGA is effective in reducing blood sugar and improving glycemic control

- FDA approved, low risk of side effects, and covered by most insurance plans.

Chapter 12: Addressing skepticism in a productive manner.

- Recognizing the skepticism in the room is important to move forward productively

- Openness, honesty, listening, taking responsibility & working together are key to addressing skepticism positively.

Chapter 13: Controversy at a Foreign Drone Hearing.

- Ryan Graves, a former F-18 pilot, testified at a hearing about foreign drones, encouraging others to come forward.

- Commercial pilots have confirmed some of the sightings and shared new data.

- Dr. Kirkpatrick expressed dissatisfaction with the proceedings, calling out David.

- Ryan remains committed to the cause.

Chapter 14: Congressional hearings uncover alleged cover-up.

Congressional hearings spark calls to uncover an alleged cover-up; Nick Pope and Ben Hansen discuss evidence presented; Pope notes importance of eyewitness testimony; Hansen alarmed by Gresh's soundbite about aggressive pieces used to bring down aircraft.

Chapter 15: Ross Coldheart's investigation into UFOs.

- Investigative journalist Ross Coldheart has sparked interest in UFOs, leading to hearings.

- He has sources in Congress and rumors of jets being scrambled and a jet lost on July.

- There is also an incident at a nuclear plant being discussed.

- Ross is working hard to uncover the truth and bring it to light.

Chapter 16: Push for public hearing on UFO sightings.

- Bipartisan approach to UFO sightings and investigations, proposed public hearing to gain more info

- Subpoenas and witnesses from legacy program needed, Senator Gillibrand pushing for hearing due to public opinion

- Pushback from Defense Dept and intelligence community, Nick Pope and Ben Hansen asked about it.

Chapter 17: Controlling the narrative of Dr. Check Trick statement.

Govt. is trying to control the narrative of Dr. Check Trick statement, but interest has built to a point where it's difficult. Allegations of criminal offenses & Congress being misled have caused further concern. Slow drip method is best strategy to process info & avoid mass confusion. NDAA 2024 expected to have stronger provisions, including eminent domain.


- Insight: The recent congressional hearing revealed that the US government has a secret crash retrieval program and is in possession of the bodies of dead pilots.

- Key Point: Pentagon whistleblower David Gresh revealed that he had faced retaliation and reprisals for his testimony.

- Action Point: Congresswoman Nancy Mace asked Gresh and fellow military pilot David Favor questions about their experiences and the repercussions they faced when they reported them.

- Decision: It was agreed that further research and monitoring should be conducted to ensure that any potential issues are addressed and that the well-being of the two species is maintained.

- Insight: Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz shared a chilling encounter and the roadblocks he faced while trying to get answers.

- Key Point: Test pilots reported that they had witnessed multiple UAPs in a single case, and that during the game bullets in the recording on the A/T flare system showed a single object.

- Action Point: Investigative journalist George Knapp entered a new letter into the hearings, which detailed 45 incidents in which Russian aircraft chased and even shot at UFOs.

- Decision: It is clear that the Pentagon has been asleep at the switch and is now asking for more money after the hearings.

- Recognize the skepticism in the room and be open and honest about the situation.

- Listen to each other's perspectives and be willing to compromise.

- Take responsibility for own actions and be willing to accept criticism.

- Work together to find solutions that are beneficial to all parties involved.

- Consider the possibility of a public hearing to gain more information on the issue of UFO sightings and investigations.

- Utilize a slow drip method to release information in order to avoid mass confusion.

- Consider the potential risks and consequences of releasing information.


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