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How Money Affects your Thinking

In this video we discuss some ways that money affects your thinking. Have you ever daydreamed or thought about living the rich and luxurious lifestyle? I know everyone has seen those Instagram posts where users put up pictures of a couple thousand in cash laying on their bed, next to some cool guns, or their Lamborghini with the doors propped open. . Truth is, at one point we all have imagined ourselves in a world where we have financial freedom to buy almost anything we wanted. So why do we get these dreams of having a mansion with a Lamborghini parked in the driveway? Or even touring the whole world on vacation.

Many studies suggest that money can alter a person's behavior, but not always for the good side of the swings set. Luckily there are many grateful wealthy people that donate portions of their piggy banks to good causes, but this is an exception.

The amount of money you bring in could affect the way you view others, and in fact, even yourself.

Addiction begins with a perceived positive response to a specific behavior. Chasing the same behavior for the same response may trigger addiction. Some people have become addicted to earning money. Who is more likely to not follow the rules? Whether it's interrupting someone or taking more than one piece of candy from that candy bowl that has a sign clearly stating to please only take one piece, one study set out to find an answer. Respondents that found themselves as a higher class were more likely to break the rules as long as it benefited them.


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