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Unlocking the mystery of Bereshit.

- Isaiah 46:9-10 contains a prophecy about God knowing the end from the beginning.

- Bereshit, the first word revealed in the Bible, is made up of 6 Hebrew letters/pictograms.

- Analysis of the letters reveals that the person inside the tent is someone's son.

Symbolism of the Hebrew letters in Bereshit.

- Aleph is a powerful symbol of a strong leader, conveying the idea of God as the Father.

- Bat rash Aleph translates to "created" or "creator".

- Xin is pictured as teeth and is a signature letter, signifying God's special ownership.

- Xin is also the last letter in the Hebrew word rash, which means "head".

The atoning sacrifice of Jesus.

- The Prince of Glory came to fulfill a plan ordained in Heaven, marked by the 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Tov Taub, which is pictured as a cross.

- This event is the atoning sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary, which reversed the Covenant with death and opened the door to fulfill God's covenant with the Son.

- All those redeemed by Jesus' sacrifice are destined to enter God's home.

The Bereshit Prophecy Revealed.

- Bereshit prophecy reveals God's plan to redeem mankind, accomplished by Jesus on a wooden cross

- Hebrew letter Xin signifies pressing, gnashing, destruction, and is a shorthand signature of God's name

- All three valleys of Xin begin at Mount Moriah, where Jesus offered himself up for sins of man.

The Millennial Day Perspective on the Bereshit Prophecy.

- Church Fathers taught Jesus died in 30 AD, but some believe it was between 30-33 AD to reveal Bereshit prophecy

- Yoda in the table gives a prophetic time frame marker of 4,000 years in the Bereshit prophecy

- Millennial Day Perspective believes God has allotted 7,000 years for mankind on earth, used to calculate unfolding of prophecy.

The Millennial Day for a Thousand Year Perspective.

- God's prophetic pattern forecasts a millennial reign of Messiah in every cycle of the six days of creation followed by the seventh day of rest.

- Many Christians have lost confidence in the accuracy of the Millennial Day for a Thousand Year Perspective, but it may just be an approximation.

- Jesus' death on the cross provides a 4,000 year timestamp measuring rod to understand the perspective.

Biblical Chronology of Creation.

- 4004 BC is widely accepted as the date of creation based on biblical chronology

- This date is arrived at by taking the Bereshit Passover prophecy literally and adding 33.5 years for Jesus' life on earth

- It is believed that the first Adam lived 33.5 sinless years in the Garden of Eden before he spiritually died.

The Bereshit Passover Prophecy.

- Bereshit Passover prophecy is a prophetic countdown to redemption and atonement, beginning 33.5 years after creation.

- It reveals two events that will seal our destiny, one of which is close to completion.

- The seven thousand year countdown began with Adam's sin, and has been amplified by his descendants.

God's millennial perspective and the last generation.

- The false promise of an upgraded and improved man echoes the Serpent's lies and only God can give a new heart.

- Bereshit reveals God's millennial perspective and forecasts the future.

- We are living in the last fleeting years of time, nearing the completion of a 2000 year countdown.

- Signs of corruption have reached the boiling point, signaling God's sovereignty over all.

The Bereshit Prophecy.

- Bereshit prophecy contains multiple beginnings, with the main one being the start of 7,000 years of sin and bondage after Adam's sin.

- It contains two remaining millennial time stamp prophecies, with the first being the Hebrew word Bereshit, which contains four other words nested inside.

- These words signify the Son of God coming out of his house to satisfy the sin-debt of Adam and all his children.

God's Millennial Perspective.

God's Word declares the end of the current heaven and earth after 7,000 years, a sacred number signifying divine completion. 2nd Peter 3:7 & 12 describe the coming day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. Isaiah's prophecy has been fulfilled with precision, beginning with the creation event in 400.

Bereshit prophecy and the Second Coming.

- Bible contains contradictions and two distinct events: rapture and Second Coming of Christ.

- Bereshit prophecy reveals seven beginnings, all knowable and arranged in order on God's millennial calendar.

- First event is 4004 BC, followed by 2370 BC, the beginning of sin, and 30 AD, the cross event.

The Bereshit Passover Prophecy.

- Bereshit Passover prophecy is a set of pictures and numbers predicting the Church of Christ will not exist after 2023

- Window of grace will close no later than 2023, the start of the 7-year Great Tribulation

- Window of time was fully open in 30 AD, now only open 5 years wide as of 2018

- Prophecy is an amazing warning to Christians, encouraging them to be prepared.

The importance of faith and confession.

- Bible contains a prophecy that man must believe in righteousness and confess with their mouth to be saved, as a warning of Christ's coming at the appointed time

- Prophecy serves as reminder of importance of faith and confession, and of being prepared for Christ's arrival.



  • The Bereshit prophecy, found in the very first word of the Bible, reveals the divine plan of God to redeem fallen mankind.

  • This plan was joyfully accomplished by the only begotten Son of God, the Prince of Glory, who left his home in Heaven to come to Earth as a servant.

  • The prophecy notifies us that this deed would be accomplished on a wooden cross.

  • To answer the two remaining questions regarding this major prophetic theme, we must look to the Hebrew letter Xin, the fourth letter in Bereshit.

  • Xin signifies pressing, gnashing, and destruction, and is also the number 300.

  • This number is used in connection with Enoch, Noah, Gideon, Sampson, David, and Jesus to signify a supernatural victory over death.

  • The Bereshit prophecy also reveals the year 4004 BC as the most reliable date for the creation of the world.

  • This seven thousand year millennial perspective is filled with the unfolding of many dispensations over time, but only one condition and one beginning and ending that is in view from a divine perspective: the condition of man's heart, the condition of sin and rebellion.

  • The Bereshit Passover prophecy reveals that the Church of Christ will not exist on the earth after the Year 2023, and that the window of grace will close no later than this year.

  • This prophecy serves as a warning that Christ is coming at the appointed time, and that man must believe in righteousness and confess with their mouth in order to be saved.

  • The Bereshit Passover prophecy is an amazing warning to Christians, and should be greatly encouraging to those who are preparing for the Lord's coming.

  • This prophecy is an important reminder that faith and confession are necessary for salvation, and that we must be prepared for Christ's arrival.


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