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  • Writer's pictureCURE


Updated: Aug 23, 2023

In Alarming Relation - Revelations 13:16

Chapter 1:  Digital ID systems: Benefits and risks.

Digital ID systems offer efficiency, inclusivity and safety, but also have the power to restrict access to goods and services. They are centralized and outside of user control, with all data stored by the government or a private company.

Chapter 2: The WEF's push for digital ID.

- The WEF has partnered with the UN to push the SDGs through ESG investments, with the help of BlackRock and Bank of America.

- Private sector organizations (WEF, WTO, World Bank) are pushing digital ID for economic participation and profits.

- Public sector organizations (IMF, BIS, FATF) are pushing digital ID for surveillance and control.

Chapter 3:  The UN's Digital ID System.

- McKinsey report shows only 10% of people have adopted digital ID voluntarily

- UN is developing a separate digital ID system for elites, taking advantage of pandemic to test it

- Digital ID will be used to support and enforce UN initiatives, such as Paris Agreement.

Chapter 4:  Digital ID rollouts in the US, EU, and UK.

- US, EU, and UK are testing/developing digital ID systems, with US aiming for 2025, EU 2024, and UK 2024-2026.

- EC Commissioner pushing for internet censorship in EU via Digital Services Act.

- European Central Bank's digital euro expected to be rolled out in 2025/2026.

- UK introducing digital pound dubbed britcoin.

Chapter 5:  UNDP's 4 potential scenarios for the future.

- UNDP released a report outlining 4 potential scenarios for the future: "On the Same Trajectory", "Falling into the Abyss", "Radical New Normal" & "In Pursuit of Sustainability".

- 1st scenario predicts Big Tech takeover, 2nd predicts self-organization & population growth, 3rd predicts private UN takeover, 4th predicts environmental communism enforced by AI.

Chapter 6:  The UN's need for digital ID adoption.

- UN's SDGs are at risk of failing like MDGs due to private interests pulling out or reducing investment

- UN must force digital ID adoption by 2025 to ensure success, potentially creating a crisis to do so

- Digital ID already being used in some countries for food rations, likely to be used for energy too

- Financial crisis may be delayed until central banks test their CBDCs.

Key takeaways:

- Digital ID systems are centralized and outside of the user's control, and they have the potential to prevent people from accessing services.

- The World Economic Forum (WEF) and other organizations are pushing digital ID from both public and private sector perspectives.

- McKinsey and Company's report revealed that fewer than 10 percent of people have adopted digital ID voluntarily.

- The UN is developing a separate digital ID system for the elites, and the US, Europe, and the UK have all introduced digital ID legislation.

- To ensure the success of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN may create a crisis to force people to adopt an actual digital ID by 2025.


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