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Updated: Aug 28, 2023

The Deadly Dangers of Trusting Personal Experience Over Biblical Authority

Christian Mysticism: Charismatic Movement & Social Justice.

Christian Mysticism is the belief that union with deity or ultimate reality can be attained through contemplation and subjective experience. This talk explores how it relates to the Charismatic Movement and Social Justice.

The importance of sound doctrine and right theology.

- Bible teaches knowledge of God and love for Him should go together, but many Christians have come to view doctrine and theology as bad words

- Disengaged mind makes it easier for false teachers to lead people astray and get them money

- Example of Kat Kerr illustrates the importance of sound doctrine and right theology to deepen knowledge of God and love Him more deeply.

False teachers and a disengaged mind.

- Discussed the implications of false teachers having a disengaged mind, noting Jesus' love for sweets and a clip of Kevin Zadai's experience.

- False teachers are mainstream on Christian TV networks due to supply and demand.

- Having a disengaged mind is advantageous for false teachers and dangerous to the gospel. Reminder to trust Jesus, not ourselves.

Heaven Tourism and the Bible.

- Increasing demand for "heaven tourism" discussed, with examples of people who have claimed to have gone to heaven and written books/made movies about it.

- Bible cited to put this phenomenon to rest, citing 2 Corinthians 12:2-4.

The Bible is Enough.

- God Calling was the inspiration for Sarah Young's Jesus Calling, but many Christians feel the Bible is not enough.

- It is impossible to master the Bible, and charismatics rely on experience.

- Speaking in tongues is not unique to Christianity, and the Bible is the only source of truth.

Rejecting experiences that don't align with God's word.

Speaker discussed similarities between Christian and cultic practices, argued that experiences not aligned with God's word must be rejected. Used Todd White's leg-lengthening trick as example.

Miracles of Scripture vs. Parlor Tricks.

- Todd White's "miracles" are exposed as parlor tricks, while the miracles of scripture are undeniable.

- To be an apostle, one must be an eyewitness of Jesus, appointed by him, and able to perform signs and wonders - none alive today meet these requirements.

Christian Mysticism and Social Justice.

- Christian mysticism and social justice are intertwined, with evangelicals adopting the tenets of social justice requiring a mystical view of scripture.

- Dr. Mason's sermon on Zacchaeus is not a biblical case for reparations, but an example of mysticism.

- Lincoln Duncan's clip further illustrates the perniciousness of social justice.

Social Justice and the Gospel.

- Lincoln Duncan discussed the potential gospel impact if bible-believing Protestants had spoken out against mistreatment of Christian brothers and sisters.

- He noted that social justice movement's end game is money, and that it can convince people they are victims and prevent them from understanding their need for the gospel.

- He urged people to remember they are rebels against a thrice holy God.

Social Justice Movement and Christian Mysticism.

- Instant love is shared between family members, regardless of skin color.

- Social justice movement is attempting to rebuild barriers broken down by Jesus Christ.

- Greer and Linton preached a sermon about homosexuality, which is unbiblical.

- Social justice movement includes racial barriers, economic reparations, egalitarianism, homosexuality, and abortion.

- Christian mysticism movement seeks to bring people into unity with the divine, which leads to "little god's doctrine" which is unbiblical.

The danger of Word Faith and Mormonism.

- Meister Eckhart believed in the concept of the "ground" as the essence of being and the true godhead.

- Word Faith and Mormonism teach that humans can become gods.

- Bethel Church practices mysticism and blasphemy, highlighting the danger of this belief.

The importance of understanding baptism.

- Bethel Church staff members are privileged to witness baptisms, during which candidates are asked two questions

- Responses from candidates often show lack of understanding of the significance of baptism

- Speaker references II Peter 1, warning against claiming visions and dreams under the name of Christian mysticism

- Baptism is a sacred act and should not be taken lightly, understanding is essential.

The Authority of the Gospel.

- Gospel is clear and certain, must be shared to end

- Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and God's wrath

- Repent, turn from sin, and trust in Jesus to be saved and pass from death to life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Knowledge of God and love for God should go hand in hand, and sound doctrine and right theology deepens our knowledge of God and enables us to love Him more deeply.

  • Mysticism is the belief that union with deity or ultimate reality may be attained through contemplation and subjective experience, and the knowledge of the divine is inaccessible through human intellect.

  • . Charismatics believe that speaking in tongues is real because they have experienced it, and they have had dreams and visions. However, speaking in tongues is not unique to Christianity.

  • The Bible is the only source of truth and it is enough. It is not necessary to seek out additional experiences.

  • The social justice movement is attempting to rebuild the barriers that have been broken down, and it is pernicious in that it can convince someone that they are a victim and thus prevent them from understanding their need for the gospel.

  • Todd White's leg-lengthening trick is nothing more than a parlor trick, and the miracles that are recorded in scripture are undeniable.

  • The end goal of the Christian mysticism movement is to bring people into unity with the divine, which leads to the “little god’s doctrine”. This doctrine is unbiblical and should be avoided.

  • The prophetic word is more sure than experiences and visions claimed under the name of Christian mysticism.

  • Baptism is a sacred act and should not be taken lightly, as it is essential to have an understanding of the gospel before being baptized.

  • The gospel must be shared, as the only way to have the righteous wrath of God removed is to repent of sin, turn from sin, and place our trust in the risen Lord Jesus Christ.


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