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Updated: Aug 24, 2023

In the current juncture, an unwavering focus on prophetic insights has acquired an unprecedented significance. How do we position ourselves both psychologically and spiritually within the context of the year 2019? The evident and profound transformations, extending beyond the threshold of 2020, are perceptible to all except those who deliberately choose to remain oblivious.

In a comprehensive sense, the essence of our human identity has been infiltrated and compromised by a formidable agenda, often referred to as the "BEAST." Within this forum, an extensive and unrestricted array of indicators and hints pertaining to Biblical prophecies is at your disposal, updated in real-time.

Minute yet transformative facts possess the capacity to fundamentally reshape the societal tapestry in an enduring manner. For instance, the convergence of quantum computing and the imminent rollout of 5G networks, amplified by the vast reservoirs of data amassed by tech giants like Google and Facebook from communication devices worldwide.

Adding to this landscape is the geopolitical dynamics between Israel, a prominent figure in tech-security infrastructure, and its American counterpart, with parallels drawn to historical figures like Cyrus. This relationship, deeply intertwined with Zionism, could potentially herald the reconstruction of the Third Temple of Solomon.

Simultaneously, the juxtaposition of the Hadron Collider and the figurative presence of Shiva at CERN, reaching out to grasp the elusive "god particle" and "dark matter," unfolds alongside a surge in genetic manipulations, including cloning.

In a parallel vein, the prevailing trend of political correctness ostensibly fosters a global unification devoid of bias, irrespective of the impending consequences. This One World ethos extends across various domains, prominently religion, and is exemplified by the actions of capitals like Nursultan (formerly known as Astana) in Kazakhstan.

Yet, another facet encompasses the resurgence of Western practices reminiscent of the historical narratives of Sodom and Gomorrah. This includes the controversial endorsement of sensitive issues like pedophilia, preteen gender transitions, and late-stage abortion for tissue harvesting.

Concurrently, cherished family values are systematically denigrated and relegated to a status beneath contempt. Simultaneously, vices such as dishonesty, theft, violence, drug use, and even occult practices are glamorized across the entire spectrum of media.

This unfolds against a backdrop where Christians find themselves stifled, suppressed, and subjected to censorship. The hourglass has run its course, and the BEAST has seemingly claimed dominion. Our imperative is to forge an alliance and, through earnest prayer, adhere closely to the teachings of Jesus while heeding the insights and warnings encapsulated within the prophetic visions.

This platform, known as "CURE," has been conceived as a strategic maneuver to reverse the tide by employing the adversary's own tactics against them. The emblem of CURE serves as a persistent reminder of our agency in curating our spiritual consumption, controlling the channels of information we engage with – a conscious choice to disengage from malevolent influences and embrace the divine message conveyed by our fellow believers, whether online or elsewhere.

Embrace the role of observer, active participant, and contributor within CURE. Each of us bears a responsibility to disseminate the truth, piercing through the veil of deception that shrouds minds and hearts.



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